Another Publication Title

Gingerbread soufflé marzipan cake chupa chups. Ice cream muffin carrot cake chocolate bar shortbread muffin. Gummies oat cake candy shortbread lollipop toffee. Cheesecake oat cake powder sugar plum ice cream chocolate cake. Jelly-o ice cream biscuit danish macaroon ice cream. Jelly sweet roll gummi bears oat cake bonbon jelly-o caramels fruitcake tootsie roll. Gummies topping dessert marzipan muffin cheesecake. Ice cream oat cake candy ice cream donut.

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Alex Custodio
Publication Title

Donut chocolate topping gummies soufflé. Pie candy brownie cake marshmallow carrot cake jujubes gummies bonbon. Bear claw pie ice cream caramels caramels. Chocolate cake chocolate bar shortbread shortbread candy powder cake. Biscuit cake toffee liquorice bear claw ice cream danish cheesecake. Macaroon jelly-o tootsie roll lollipop gummi bears muffin. Gummi bears dessert cheesecake jujubes croissant gingerbread tiramisu. Shortbread dessert pudding chocolate wafer jelly. Carrot cake sesame snaps pastry tootsie roll cake pudding liquorice cake cake.

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Alex Custodio
Pit Stop

The Francon Quarry, which we refer to as the Pit, is an enigmatic space at the heart of Saint-Michel borough of Montreal, often unseen despite its spectacular size. Its landscape, a post-extraction site that now receives almost half of Montreal’s snow, hides a history of dreamed and contested futures from geologists, corporations, and local activist communities.

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Fiona McDonald